Kakamega Environmental Education Program (KEEP)
Experience the last Tropical Forest in Kenya through a local community-based tourism organization
Where to Stay
Accommodation options at Kakamega Forest
While at KEEP, there are various accommodation options to fit every lifestyle and pocket. The accommodation offered by KEEP are mainly basic, but partners provide more luxurious accommodation
KEEP Bandas/ Cottages
July 12, 2025
KEEP has bandas that can accommodate 12 visitors. The bandas are made in the design of the traditional Luhya homestead.
Starting at KES 1000 pp
Some KEEP members have homestays that give the opportunity for visitors to experience the everyday village life of the Luhya community. The homestays can be classified into to categories
Basic: Usually made of mud, latrine toilets with no electricity
Modern: Usually made of bricks, WC toilets and with electricity
All the homestays are located near the forest where armed forest rangers provide security.
Rondo Retreat Centre
Starting KES 7000 pp
Offers standard hotel service